Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I have volunteered for the Corrida de Los Cabaillitos, the children’s race two days before the Caballo Blanco ultra.  Look at the photos that Luis Escobar has taken and I bet you would too.  There is a boy running with gigantic strides in a bright red blouse and a smile of satisfaction.  The children who race the 5k all get a bag of school supplies.  I have sent out a few requests to departments on campus and the response has been incredible, so incredible I fear my luggage my consist of a few changes of underwear and the rest will be crayons, pencils and pens.  And the caballitos.  I thought it would be fun to fold some origami ponies to put in the bags as well I mean how many children could there be?  I figured that 100 ponies would be plenty.  Wrong.  If the numbers on the Caballo pages are correct the number is more like 400.  YIKES!  I have been folding like crazy but my Stitch and Bitch crew have come to my aid…sort of.  They are an incredible group of women and I would wish such good friends for you.  Barb offered her home and lunch, Dot brought wine and muffins, Joyce brought home-made cookies.  It was a great afternoon, everyone tried hard and we made a few more ponies, drank wine and laughed together.  In the end there was an assembly line of sorts; Maureen was good at the first folds, Barb had the head and tail folds, Joyce made the whole horse and Dot filled in where needed.  During the folding we talked about the race, Joyce offered to watch the horses, Barb offered Kaycee a place, Dot offered her camera.  They wanted to know more about the people and the place.  And they took paper home to build more ponies.  Current count?  200 and folding.

Gary was down with a pulled muscle and of course there was that winter weather thing.  Yesterday he was back running and it seems the pulled muscle is responding well to the workout.  He is like a horse, keeping him confined can be worse than letting him run…so to speak.  He ran about 6 miles. Today it is too cold, with the temperature hovering around zero. 

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